Federated Data Routing

Federated data routing unifies the enterprise data tier into the foundation for building an enterprise-wide data fabric. Instead of yet another point-to-point integration solution or one that makes copies to a central store, YOUnite is a real-time, event-driven data tier router between source systems as data events occur.  

Adaptors & Data Quality

  • Adaptors are the interface between an enterprise’s disjointed source systems and YOUnite
  • Adaptors detect, or are notified, of data events in source systems and forward the data events onto YOUnite for routing
  • Before routing data events to YOUnite, adaptors can perform data quality tasks internally or by making a request to an external data quality service
  • YOUnite provides off-the-shelf adaptors for various databases, Kafka and applications. Additionally, custom adaptors can be written using the YOUnite Adaptor SDK

Global Match/Merge

Data stewards can define custom criteria that determines uniqueness of a record across the entire enterprise based on a combination of values along with SQL-like rules, including case insensitive and fuzzy matching.

Data Governance

YOUnite is a data tier firewall.

Data governance allows data stewards to select which source systems share and receive data events with other source systems. For example, an ERP source system may restrict changes it receives from a system that is part of a different geo.  Also, a customer database may have governance settings preventing personal information from being shared with other source systems.

Routing & Lineage

YOUnite is a data tier router.

Stakeholders can run reports, and get a complete historical picture (lineage) of data that moves throughout the enterprise and get instant data-flow audits. This greatly simplify implementing a customer’s right-to-be-forgotten.

Data changes, data access requests and YOUnite events are all centrally logged and available through powerful reporting tools.

Data Exceptions

Data issues and ambiguous data records are centrally logged and managed from a single-pane view.