This summary provides YOUnite’s complete set of allowable permissions.

Permission, Wildcards and Resource Criteria

In the YOUnite UI, permissions are described using the following format:

 Resource [Resource-Criteria]
  • The Resource-Criteria is not used on all resources.

  • Resource-Criteria is described in the following table:

path variable


A specific identifier for a resource that is typically a UUID. For example, if a resource contains {zoneUuid} in its path, then the target zone’s uuid is to be supplied.



Wildcard for any resource at the current API endpoint. For example, /api/domains/? means ANY data domain.



Wildcard for ANY resource and ALL API resource endpoints beneath the current API endpoint. For example, /api/domains/* means any data domain and ALL API endpoints beneath /api/domains such as /api/domains/domain-uuid/versions.


Resource Action Description Resource URI

ACL Evaluator


Mocks a data event Given a request body containing a mock federated data change to run through the ACL engine, this will return a manifest of the: * Messages which will be sent out to various adaptors, and what data will be included in those messages * The relevant ACL entries that were applied to the data event Valid request body values: * actions can be GET, PUT, POST or DELETE. * sourceZoneUuid: A valid zone UUID. If not provided, the caller’s zone UUID is used. * sourceAdaptorUuid: If the action property is either PUT, POST or DELETE then sourceAdaptorUuid is required. For GET it is ignored. * domainVersionUuid: Required. * drUuid: Is required for GET, PUT and DELETE (also referred to as the DR Record or Domain Entry). * drKey: Not required for a dry run. * transactionId: Unused. * jsonData: Can be provided for POST or PUT actions. If it is not provided it will default to {}. Setting jsonData is useful when testing ACLs that define specific domainVersion properites. The JSON needs to be encoded. See the example below.

ACL entries returned in the relevantAclEntries portion of the response may include properties with the <ANY> value and is a valid value for any of the following: * domainVersionUuid * sourceZoneUuid * sourceAdaptorUuid * destinationZoneUuid * destinationAdaptorUuid


ACL Metrics


Gets metrics for the zone’s inbound & outbound ACLs


API Endpoint Resources


Gets the list of resources the API consumer can access


Access Tokens


Gets the full token information for the current user based upon the bearer token in the authorization header.




Gets a specific adaptor Optionally, the count of linked data records can be included with the "include-linkages" option, ie: GET /zones/{zone uuid}/adaptors/{adaptor uuid}?options=include-linkages:true




Updates the specified adaptor’s configuration.

Overwrites the name, description, capabilities, metadata, etc and replaces them with the supplied values.

The state of the adaptor may be updated by passing in PLAY, PAUSE or REFRESH_STATE in the state field. If state is not supplied, no change will be made to the adaptor’s state.

The active or inactive status of the adaptor may be updated by passing true or false in the status field. If no status is supplied, the status will not be changed.




Updates the specified adaptor’s configuration.

Only those values supplied will be updated in the adaptor’s configuration.

The state of the adaptor may be updated by passing in PLAY, PAUSE or REFRESH_STATE in the state field.

If state is not supplied, no change will be made to the adaptor’s state.

The active or inactive status of the adaptor may be updated by passing true or false in the status field.

If no status is supplied, the status will not be changed.




Deletes the specified adaptor.

If force is not set to true, the adaptor is set as inactive instead.

To re-activate an inactivated adaptor, use the PATCH endpoint to change "active" back to true.


DELETE /zones/{zoneUuid}/adaptors/{adaptorUuid} (soft delete, sets active to "false")

DELETE /zones/{zoneUuid}/adaptors/{adaptorUuid}?force=true (hard delete)


Adaptor Type


Gets the specified adaptorType entity identified by adaptor-type-uuid.


Adaptor Type


Updates the specified adaptorType entity identified by adaptor-type-uuid.


Adaptor Type


Updates the specified adaptorType entity identified by adaptor-type-uuid.


Adaptor Type


Removes the specified adaptorType entity identified by adaptor-type-uuid.


Adaptor Types


Gets all adaptor types entities


Adaptor Types


Creates a new adaptor type entity


Adaptor’s Health


Gets the specified adaptor’s health data


Adaptor’s Metrics


Gets the specified adaptor’s metrics data

By default, the adaptor’s zone is used to break down metrics by day / month. To use a different zone, specify the name of the zone in the options, ie:

GET /zones/…​/adaptors/…​/metrics?options=zone:UTC


Adaptor’s Queue


Gets the specified adaptor’s queue attributes


Adaptor’s Registration Information


Gets the specified adaptor’s registration data


Adaptor’s Shutdown Code


Gets the specified adaptor’s shutdown code




Gets a list of adaptors in the zone.

Results can be filtered by name (case insensitive): GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors?filters=name:MyAdaptor.

By default only active adaptors are shown. To include inactivate adaptors use the active filters option: GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors?filters=active:false.

Optionally, the count of linked data records can be included with the include-linkages option: GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors?options=include-linkages:true

This endpoint uses pagination and sorting: GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors?page=0&size=10&sort=name.




Creates and registers a new adaptor entity


Adaptors Capable of Domain Version


Get the capable adaptors for a given action (GET, PUT, POST or DELETE) for a data domain version and return if the zone has permission to the adaptor.


Bulk Data Record Import


Create a bulk data import for a given domain version.

The filter parameter is required and must include the domain name and version e.g. ?filters=name:customers,version:1

NOTE - by default the maximum file size is 10MB.


Child Zones


Get a list of child zones of a zone


Child Zones


Add a child zone


Data Domain


Gets the specified data domain entity


Data Domain


Update a data domain


Data Domain


Update a data domain


Data Domain Version


Gets a data domain version entity

With no queryParams, this will return the default version of the domain specified by {uuid}.

filters allowed: version - return the specific version if the value is 1+, or ALL if the value is omitted. version:0 means the default version.


Data Domain Version


Gets a specified Domain Version entity


Data Domain Version


Gets a specified Domain Version entity


Data Domain Version


Creates a new data domain version

The domain must include a model and a name, or the UUID of the domain.

The first version is set to 1 and incremented for each new version.

The first version is the default, until changed via a PATCH to the domain endpoint.

Optionally, instead of attempting to save the domain version, validation can be performed by adding validate-only=true to the request, ie POST /domains/<domain-uuid>/versions?validate-only=true

The response will include the validated domain version entry, but it will not be saved, or if the domain version is not valid, errors will be returned.


Data Domain Version


Updates the specified domain version entity Updates specified by the UUID and/or the description, if found, by overwriting what is in the database with the content of the body. The changeVersion needs to be the same as what is in the database for this to succeed and is a required property of the body.

Optionally, instead of attempting to save the domain version, validation can be performed by adding validate-only=true to the request, ie PUT /domains/<domain-uuid>/versions/<domain-version-uuid>?validate-only=true The response will include the validated domain version entry, but it will not be saved, or if the domain version is not valid, errors will be returned.


Data Domain Version


Updates the specified domain version entity Updates specified by the UUID and/or the description, if found, by overwriting what is in the database with the content of the body. The changeVersion needs to be the same as what is in the database for this to succeed and is a required property of the body. Optionally, instead of attempting to save the domain version, validation can be performed by adding validate-only=true to the request, ie PUT /domains/versions/<domain-version-uuid>?validate-only=true The response will include the validated domain version entry, but it will not be saved, or if the domain version is not valid, errors will be returned.


Data Domain Version


Add a property to a domain version model Add a property (type URI, int, long or string) to a domain version’s model schema and optionally load the corresponding data values (in the data property in the request body) into each of the domain version’s data elements. If the new property is required, then a data value is required for each of the domain version’s data elements. The patch is applied to the default version unless the version number is provided in the request body.

This feature is provided to accommodate situations where domains depend on each other and the data values for one domain version cannot be completed until the data values for another domain version have been loaded (the "chicken or egg" problem).

For example:

1. A "state" domain version requires a reference to a "country" and the "country" domain version needs a references back to "state" 2. The "state" domain version can be created and the data POSTed without the reference to "country" 3. The "country" domain version can be created with a reference to "state" 4. The data for "country" can be loaded with the appropriate "state" references 5. With PATCH the "state" domain’s model schema can be updated with a reference to "country" and the "state" data can be updated with the required references to "country"


Data Domain Version


Add a property to a domain version model Add a property (type URI, int, long or string) to a domain version’s model schema and optionally load the corresponding data values (in the data property in the request body) into each of the domain version’s data elements. If the new property is required, then a data value is required for each of the domain version’s data elements. The patch is applied to the default version unless the version number is provided in the request body. This feature is provided to accommodate situations where domains depend on each other and the data values for one domain version cannot be completed until the data values for another domain version have been loaded (the "chicken or egg" problem).

For example:

1. A "state" domain version requires a reference to a "country" and the "country" domain version needs a references back to "state" 2. The "state" domain version can be created and the data POSTed without the reference to "country" 3. The "country" domain version can be created with a reference to "state" 4. The data for "country" can be loaded with the appropriate "state" references 5. With PATCH the "state" domain’s model schema can be updated with a reference to "country" and the "state" data can be updated with the required references to "country"


Data Domain Versions


Gets all active domain versions

With no queryParams, this will return all active domain versions. filtersable properties: version - return the specific version. if 0 is specified, the default version is returned. name - the name of the domain fieldsable properties: specifies the subset of fields to be returned as the response for each domain.


GET /domains/versions - get all versions of all domains GET /domains/versions?filters=name:customer - get all versions of the domain "customer" GET /domains/versions?filters=name:customer,version:2 - get version 2 of the domain "customer" GET /domains/versions?filters=name:customer,version:0 - get the default version of the domain "customer"


Data Domains


Gets all data domains visible to the caller.


Data Domains


Create a new data domain. The domainType can be either FEDERATED or YOUNITE_DATA_STORE (default).


Data Events associated with a Data Record


Get data events for a Data Record by searching Elasticsearch records


Data Issue in a Zone


Get a Data Issue


Data Issue in a Zone


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in a Zone


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in a Zone


Delete a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor


Get a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor


Delete a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Get a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Update a Data Issue


Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Delete a Data Issue


Data Issues in a Zone


Get a page of issues for the given Zone.

filtersable options: type = Only type GENERAL is supported match-status = Applicable to data event exceptions only. RESOLVED, AMBIGUOUS, PRESUMED_NEW or PRESUMED_MATCH. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included. exceptions = Applicable to data event exceptions only. PARSING, MATCHING, ADAPTOR or OTHER. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included. status = OPEN or CLOSED. If not specified, all statuses are included. dr-uuid = Data Record UUID domain-version = Domain Version UUID adaptor = Adaptor UUID

NOTE: There are many types of data issues and not all filter options apply to all data event types.


GET …​/issues?filters=status:OPEN GET …​/issues?filters=type:DATA_EVENT_EXCEPTION,match-status:AMBIGUOUS:PRESUMED_NEW:PRESUMED_MATCH,domain-version:5a5bc628-ee6f-4df3-8aca-5510bfb8d70f,adaptor=c38b5025-52d6-47c3-9a95-9ad228dd4e6b,exceptions:PARSING:MATCHING,status:OPEN

Sorting options: Any top-level property in the result can be sorted on, such as uuid, dateCreated, lastUpdated, status, etc as well as any attribute in adaptor, ie adaptor.uuid,, etc


GET …​/issues?sort=issuePriority,title GET …​/issues?sort=type:DATA_EVENT_EXCEPTION,,,domainVersion.versionNumber,-lastUpdated


Data Issues in an Adaptor


Get a page of issues for the given Adaptor.

filtersable options: match-status = Applicable to data event exceptions only. RESOLVED, AMBIGUOUS, PRESUMED_NEW or PRESUMED_MATCH. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included. exceptions = Applicable to data event exceptions only. PARSING, MATCHING, ADAPTOR or OTHER. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included. status = OPEN or CLOSED. If not specified all entries are included. dr-uuid = DR UUID domain-version = Domain Version UUID

Ex: GET …​/issues?filters=match-status:AMBIGUOUS:PRESUMED_NEW:PRESUMED_MATCH,domain-version:5a5bc628-ee6f-4df3-8aca-5510bfb8d70f,exceptions:MATCHING:PARSING,status:OPEN

Sorting options: Any top-level property in the result can be sorted on, such as uuid, dateCreated, lastUpdated, status, etc as well as any attribute in adaptor, ie adaptor.uuid,, etc

Ex: GET …​/issues?sort=-lastUpdated


Data Issues in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Get a page of issues for the given Domain Version of an Adaptor.

filtersable options:

match-status = Applicable to data event exceptions only. RESOLVED, AMBIGUOUS, PRESUMED_NEW or PRESUMED_MATCH. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included.

exceptions = Applicable to data event exceptions only. PARSING, MATCHING, ADAPTOR or OTHER. Multiple values can be separated by a colon. If not specified all entries are included.

status = OPEN or CLOSED. If not specified all entries are included.

dr-uuid = DR UUID

Ex: GET …​/issues?filters=match-status:AMBIGUOUS:PRESUMED_NEW:PRESUMED_MATCH,exceptions:PARSING:MATCHING,status:OPEN

Sorting options:

Any top-level property in the result can be sorted on, such as uuid, dateCreated, lastUpdated,

status, etc as well as any attribute in adaptor, ie adaptor.uuid,, etc

Ex: GET …​/issues?sort=matchStatus,-lastUpdated


Data Record


Gets a specified Data Record entity Gets a specified Data Record entity specified by {drUuid}. The following filters are available: adaptor = Filter on a specific adaptor (applicable to FEDERATED records only) Example: GET /drs/<dr-uuid>?filters=adaptor:<adaptor-uuid> The following options are available: refs = Include the href of each data record (applicable to YOUNITE_DATA_STORE records only) expandRefs = Expend references to other DRs (applicable to YOUNITE_DATA_STORE records only) includeJson = Include JSON of data record (applicable to YOUNITE_DATA_STORE records only) Example: GET /drs/<dr-uuid>?options=refs:true,expandRefs:true,includeJson:true


Data Record


Updates a Data Record entity (DR)

The DR is identified by {uuid} with the provided changes to field values. This can be applied only to domain versions of type YOUNITE_DATA_STORE.


Data Record


Deletes a Data Record (DR) entity Delete a Data Record (DR) entityidentified by {uuid}. YOUNITE_DATA_STORE If the user has permission to the endpoint, the request will remove a DR if the DR is of data domain type YOUNITE_DATA_STORE. FEDERATED If the DR is a FEDERATED data domain type, it will attempt to delete source entries at source adaptors and their corresponding adaptor-to-domain-entry links internal to the YOUnite api server. A request can be made to delete DR source entries at specific adaptors and their coresponding adaptor-to-domain-entry links by using the adaptor_uuids request parameter. If no adaptor UUIDs are specified then an attempt to delete all source entities and adaptor-to-domain-entry links for the DR is made. It will also delete the internal DR record but will fail if the user does not have DELETE operational access (Operational ACLs) for the DR’s domain version.

If the API consumer doesn’t have access (inbound or outbound ACLs), then the request will fail with an UNAUTHORIZED.

If the SSO id associated with the API consumer belongs to multiple zones, then the zone UUID for which the request is being made under must be supplied.

The difference between specifying and not specifying adaptor UUIDs is: - adaptor_uuids: Deletes are limited to the source entities and the specified adaptors and their corresponding adaptor-to-domain-entry links. - No adaptor_uuids: The request applies to all capable adaptors, their corresponding adaptor-to-domain-entry links and the internal DR itself. The zone user’s zone must have DELETE permission at all source adaptors for the domain where there are adaptor-to-domain-entry links and, DELETE operational ACL access for the DR’s domain version.


Data Record Assigned to an Inbound ACL


Removes the specified data record from an inbound ACL


Data Record Assigned to an Outbound ACL


Removes a specified data record from an outbound ACL


Data Records


Gets paginated Data Record entities (DRs).

See [Accessing Data Records](


Data Records


Adds a data record entity (DR) to a given data domain version. Add a data record to the domain identified by the NAME property in the JSON body. If a VERSION property is also provided, the data record (DR) will post to that specific version of the domain. If no VERSION property is provided, the DEFAULT version of the domain will be used for posting DR data to.


Data Records Assigned to an Inbound ACL


Gets all data records restricted by the specified inbound ACL entry

If the user has access to the GET /drs, full DR information will be returned, otherwise only UUIDs will be returned. For domains that use a matching algorithm the adaptor-uuid filter will need to be provided to show DR Key information at that adaptor for each DR.

Filters: adaptor-uuid: UUID of the adaptor

Examples: GET /zones/{uuid}/inbound-acls/{inboundAclUuid}/drs GET /zones/{uuid}/inbound-acls/{inboundAclUuid}/drs?filters=adaptor-uuid:db1568d3-20d1-43a4-a5f6-582162cce8ee

DRs may also be filtered using lucene style query syntax, similar to how data records are retrieved. See [Accessing Data Records]( for more information on lucene query syntax.

Example: GET /zones/{uuid}/inbound-acls/{inboundAclUuid}/drs?query=firstName:Steve


Data Records Assigned to an Inbound ACL


Adds existing data records to an inbound ACL


Data Records Assigned to an Outbound ACL


Gets all data records restricted by the specified outbound ACL entry

If the user has access to the GET /drs, full DR information will be returned, otherwise only UUIDs will be returned. For domains that use a matching algorithm the adaptor-uuid filter will need to be provided to show DR Key information at that adaptor for each DR.

Filters: adaptor-uuid: UUID of the adaptor

Examples: GET /zones/{uuid}/outbound-acls/{outboundAclUuid}/drs GET /zones/{uuid}/outbound-acls/{outboundAclUuid}/drs?filters=adaptor-uuid:db1568d3-20d1-43a4-a5f6-582162cce8ee

DRs may also be filtered using lucene style query syntax, similar to how data records are retrieved. See [Accessing Data Records]( for more information on lucene query syntax.

Example: GET /zones/{uuid}/outbound-acls/{outboundAclUuid}/drs?query=firstName:Steve


Data Records Assigned to an Outbound ACL


Add existing data records to an inbound ACL


Domain Version Property


A domain version model schema property


Domain Version Property


A domain version model schema property


Domain Version Property


Updates the description of a domain version model schema property The schema property’s UUID can be retrieved using GET /domains/<uuid>/versions/<uuid>/properties.


Domain Version Property


Updates the description of a domain version model schema property The schema property’s UUID can be retrieved using GET /domains/<uuid>/versions/<uuid>/properties.


Domain Version Property Catalog


Gets the cataloged properties of the specified domain version


Domain Version Property Catalog


Gets the cataloged properties of the specified domain version


Endpoint Metadata


Get the metadata for API endpoints


Evaluate a Data Record at an Adaptor


Checks if there is an adaptor-to-domain-entry link for a given DR

Checks if there is an adaptor-to-domain-entry link for a given DR at an adaptor. If the link exists a 200 OK is returned and a 404 NOT FOUND if not.

A NOT FOUND is not a definative result since the YOUnite api server makes no assumptions if a POST DR request sent to an adaptor was honored and does not create the adaptor-to-domain-entry link until the adaptor sends a data event to YOUnite api server for a given DR. For example: - Adaptor responding to a GET request. - PUT or POST data event request (sent from the adaptor to the YOUnite api server).


GraphQL Schema


This will return the GraphQL schema




Gets the specified Group entity




Updates a name and description of an existing Group




Updates a name and/or description of an existing Group




Deletes a specified Group


Group’s User


Removes the specified Zone User from a Group


Group’s Users


Gets all Zone Users in the specified Group


Group’s Users


Creates or replaces the list of Zone Users in the specified Group

Zone users are identified by the array of uuids in the request body.




Gets all Groups in the zone




Creates a new Group


Inbound ACL


Get an inbound ACL


Inbound ACL


Update an inbound ACL in a zone.

All values in the ACL are replaced with the exception of chainSequenceLocation. If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Inbound ACL


Update an inbound ACL in a zone.

Only those non-null values in the payload will be used to update the ACL.

If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Inbound ACL


Delete an inbound ACL


Inbound ACLs


Get inbound ACLs in a zone


Inbound ACLs


Creates one or more ACL entities in the inbound ACL chain for the zone.

The return value(s) are the created ACL(s) in the same order as they were passed in.

If chainSequenceLocation is not specified, the ACL(s) will be inserted into the beginning of the ACL chain. If multiple ACLs are passed, only the chainSequenceLocation of the first ACL is used; all subsequent ACLs created will be added after the first one.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Notification Registration


Requests that the specified notification registration is deleted. Notifications are handled by a separate service and updates (put and delete) are performed asynchronously and will always return a 204 regardless of whether the operation was successful or not. However, the change can be verified by calling GET /notifications to see if the update was performed.


Notification Registrations


Gets a list of Registrations for Notification for the current user.

Notification registrations are maintained by the Auth or SSO user and are not linked to a particular zone.

Registration information is retrieved from the notification server, by default waiting up to 30 seconds to retrieve a response. To override the timeout to wait, pass a value for the option timeout, i.e.

GET /notifications?options=timeout:60.

Notifications may be filtered on their type (WEB_HOOK or WEB_SOCKET). i.e.

GET /notifications?filters=type:WEB_HOOK


Notification Registrations


Create or modify a Notification Registration. Creating a Notification Registration adds it to the list of Notification Registrations for the current user. Notification Registrations are handled by a separate service and updates (put and delete) are performed asynchronously and will always return a 204 regardless of whether the operation was successful or not. However, the change can be verified by calling GET /notifications to see if the update was performed.


Open ID Code


Gets OpenID code back from Open ID login


Open ID Login Connection


Redirects to Open ID Connect login page


Open ID Logout


Redirects to Open ID Connect logout page


Operational ACL


Get an operational ACL


Operational ACL


Update an operational ACL.

All values in the ACL are replaced with the exception of chainSequenceLocation. If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Operational ACL


Update an operational ACL.

Only those non-null values in the payload will be used to update the ACL.

If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Operational ACL


Delete an operational ACL


Operational ACL Endpoint


Get operational ACLs


Operational ACL Endpoint


Creates one or more ACL entities in the operational ACL chain.

The return value(s) are the created ACL(s) in the same order as they were passed in.

If chainSequenceLocation is not specified, the ACL(s) will be inserted into the beginning of the ACL chain. If multiple ACLs are passed, only the chainSequenceLocation of the first ACL is used; all subsequent ACLs created will be added after the first one.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Operational ACL Evaluator


Checks an existing ACL rule in the operational ACL chain

This request merely checks if an existing ACL rule in the operational ACL chain will mask the ACL sent in the request body. By default ACLs are added to the front of the chain therefore, the <i>append</i> query parameter should be provided since checking if an ACL at the front of the chain will be masked is pointless.


Operational ACL Metrics


Return metrics for operational ACLs.


Outbound ACL


Get an outbound ACL


Outbound ACL


Update an outbound ACL in a zone.

All values in the ACL are replaced with the exception of chainSequenceLocation. If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Outbound ACL


Update an outbound ACL in a zone.

Only those non-null values in the payload will be used to update the ACL.

If chainSequenceLocation is specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will be updated. If not specified, the ACL’s location in the chain will not be modified.

Passing 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Outbound ACL


Delete an outbound ACL


Outbound ACLs


Get outbound ACLs in a zone


Outbound ACLs


Creates one or more ACL entities in the outbound ACL chain of the zone.

The return value(s) are the created ACL(s) in the same order as they were passed in.

If chainSequenceLocation is not specified, the ACL(s) will be inserted into the beginning of the ACL chain. If multiple ACLs are passed, only the chainSequenceLocation of the first ACL is used; all subsequent ACLs created will be added after the first one.

Passing null or 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for any entity (adaptor, zone, etc) means that all entities are included in this ACL rule. Similarly, if null is passed for domainProperties, all properties are included.

For a more complete description on ACLs including default policies see [Governance](


Permissions for User


Gets the caller’s API endpoint permission entities


Permissions for User


Gets the permissions for a given user by User UUID or SSO ID


Permissions for User


Gets permissions for a Zone User


Permissions for User


Gets permissions for a Zone User with resource information


Potential Matches for a Data Issue in a Zone


Get potential matches of a data issue that indicates an ambiguous match.

Filter options: dr-uuid: Data record UUID adaptor-uuid: Adaptor UUID min-score: Minimum score max-score: Maximum score

Example: GET …​/issues/{uuid}/matches?filters=min-score:10,max-score:20


Potential Matches for a Data Issue in an Adaptor


Get potential matches of a data issue that indicates an ambiguous match.

Filter options: dr-uuid: Data record UUID adaptor-uuid: Adaptor UUID min-score: Minimum score max-score: Maximum score

Example: GET …​/issues/{uuid}/matches?filters=min-score:10,max-score:20


Potential Matches for a Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Get potential matches of a data issue that indicates an ambiguous match.

Filter options: dr-uuid: Data record UUID adaptor-uuid: Adaptor UUID min-score: Minimum score max-score: Maximum score


GET …​/issues/{uuid}/matches?filters=min-score:10,max-score:20'


Preferred Adaptors


Gets a specified domain version adaptor preference settings


Preferred Adaptors


Updates a specified domain preference setting


Preferred Adaptors


Deletes a domainVersion adaptor preference setting


Preferred Adaptors for a Domain Version


Gets all the domain version adaptor preference settings for the given zone Allows optional filtering by domainVersionUuid and preferenceType.


Preferred Adaptors for a Domain Version


Creates a new domain version adaptor preference (e.g. GOLD or SILVER)

This is how, for a specific domainVersion, an adaptor is designated as a GOLD or SILVER adaptor, allowing the datahub to prefer data from certain adaptors over others when assembling records for users in this zone.


Re-run a Data Event in a Zone


Re-run a Data Event Exception


Re-run a Data Event in an Adaptor


Re-run a Data Event Exception


Re-run a Data Event in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Re-run a Data Event Exception


Resolve a Data Issue in a Zone


Resolve a Data Event Exception


Resolve a Data Issue in an Adaptor


Resolve a Data Issue


Resolve a Data Issue in an Adaptor’s Domain Version


Resolve a Data Issue




Gets a specified role




Updates the specified role




Updates the specified role




Removes the specified Role from a Group




Deletes the specified role


Role’s Data Access Rule


Get a data access rule


Role’s Data Access Rule


Update a data access rule


Role’s Data Access Rule


Delete a data access rule


Role’s Data Access Rules


Get a role’s data access rules


Role’s Data Access Rules


Add a data access rule to a role


Role’s Permission


Gets permission belonging to the specified role

Get permission with given permissionUuid belonging to role with given uuid.


Role’s Permissions


Gets all permissions in the specified role


Role’s Permissions


Adds new permissions to the specified role


Role’s Permissions


Updates existing permissions


Role’s Permissions


Deletes permissions from the specified role

Deletes the permissions identified by the uuids provided in the body from role identified by {uuid}.


Role’s Resource Permissions


Gets all permissions in a specified role, grouped by resource

Get all permissions in role with given {uuid}, grouped by resource. This is a view-only endpoint.




Gets all Roles in the specified Group




Gets all Role entities for a Zone entity

filtersable by name, ie GET /zones/{zoneUuid}/roles?filters=name:My+Zone




Creates or replaces the list of Roles in the specified Group Roles are identified by the array of uuids in the request body.




Creates a new Role entity


Server Settings


Server settings including enabled and disabled features


Shutdown Adaptor


Instructs an adaptor to shut down.

The code retrieved via shutdown-code must be passed as a query parameter.

Example: /zones/{zone-uuid}/adaptors/{adaptor-uuid}/shutdown?code={shutdown-code}


Test a matching algorithm


Test matching rules


UI Adaptors


Gets a list of adaptors that the user has access to query. To see adaptors in a zone, the user must have access to GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors for that zone.

Results can be filtered by: - name = Case insensitive adaptor name - zone = Case insenstiive zone name - active = Set to false to show all adaptors, including inactive

Example: GET /ui/adaptors?filters=name:MyAdaptor:zone:MyZone:active:false.

This endpoint uses pagination and sorting: GET /ui/adaptors?page=0&size=10&sort=name.


UI Compare Adaptors


Gets a list of adaptors that the user has access to query that are candidates for the "compare" function in the YOUnite user interface. The returned adaptors will:

1. Be accessible to the user (the user must have access to GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/adaptors for that zone). 2. Be capable of GET for the specified domain version. 3. Include GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE indicating their preference in the supplied zone.

Example: `GET /ui/compare-adaptors?zone-uuid=<zone-uuid>&domain-version-uuid=<domain-version-uuid>




Gets the specified Zone User entity




Update the specified Zone User entity

Currently only used to change the active status of a zone user




Deletes the specified Zone User. If the Zone User has any roles or groups assigned, this call will fail unless force=true is specified, ie DELETE /zones/<zone-uuid>/users/<zone-user-uuid>?force=true


User’s Auth Identities (SSO)


Gets all Auth Identity records

Filtering may be performed on sso id, ie GET /auth-identity?


User’s Auth Identity


Gets the identity information of a User

Get the identity information of a User. Identity information includes sso id and contact information that can be used to identify a user.

A Zone User is associated with a single Zone, but since a logical user/person can be associated with multiple zones, their authIdentity will be shared among those Zone Users.


User’s Auth Identity


Gets the identity information of a Zone User.

Get the identity information of a Zone User. Identity information includes sso id and contact information that can be used to identify a user.

A user is associated with a single Zone, but since a logical user/person can be associated with multiple zones, their authIdentity will be shared among those Zone Users.


User’s Auth Identity


Make changes to a user’s auth identity or contact information


User’s Auth Identity


Make changes to a user’s auth identity or contact information


User’s Auth Identity Preferences


This will return the auth identity’s preference. Note that if the preferences have not been PUT for this resource, it will return a 404.


User’s Auth Identity Preferences


This will return the auth identity’s preference. Note that if the preferences have not but PUT for this resource, it will return a 404.


User’s Auth Identity Preferences


Make changes to an auth identity’s preferences.


User’s Auth Identity Preferences


Make changes to an auth identity’s preferences.


User’s Groups


Gets all Group entities that a Zone User entity belongs to


User’s Roles


Gets all Roles for a Zone User


User’s Roles


Creates or replaces the list of Roles directly associated with a Zone User

Roles are identified by the array of uuids in the request body.


User’s Roles


Removes the Role from a Zone User




Gets all Zone Users

filtersable by SSO ID, ie GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/users?

Inactive users can be retrieved with the inactive-users filter ie GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/users?filters=inactive-users:true




Creates a new Zone User

Create a new Zone User by specifying a authIdentity (sso id and contact info) and the Zone uuid. This creates a new AuthIdentity if the sso id has not used before. If the sso id has been used before, it will associate the Zone User to the existing AuthIdentity.




Gets the specified zone entity with the given UUID.




Updates the specified zone entity with the given UUID. WARNING: This operation will OVERWRITE all updatable fields in the zone. Omitting a property will result in it being set to null.




Updates the specified zone entity with the given UUID.




Removes the specified zone entity with the given UUID.




Gets a list of zone entities.

Filtering options include name, parent and active, ie:

GET /zones?filters=name:MyZone GET /zones?filters=parent:42be5cc7-a1d6-45b2-ada4-3cd90cf5fbbf

By default, inactive zones are not included. They can be viewed with the active filter:

GET /zones?filters=active:false




Create a new Zone entity

This endpoint performs the same function as as POST /zones/<zone-uuid>/child-zones and requires the same permissions. <zone-uuid> (the parent zone) is determined by the value of parentZoneUuid in the payload, or if absent, defaults to the root zone.