YOUnite can be deployed in either a cloud environment, on on-premises hardware or hybrid. The annual licenses for the different YOUnite services are acquired using units, which remain constant irrespective of the cloud instance size or hardware specifications.

YOUnite leverages several open-source services and provides implementations configured for YOUnite. Licenses and support contracts can be purchased for these products from the vendors. See Open Source Services below.

Contact your YOUnite Systems Integrator or Partner for unit pricing.

YOUnite Services

Service Pricing Description Optional Units

3-node cluster license (base price)

YOUnite core service



1-node (optional)

Additional node for cluster



YOUnite Off-the-Shelf Adaptor

YOUnite standard adaptor



Notification Service

Data/Metadata webhook notifications



Temporal Adaptor Service

Archives data events



Data Virtualization Service

Federated data virtualization



  • Per-unit discounts are applied based on unit volume

  • Support costs are 18% of the total unit pricing

  • Testbed unit costs are typically 50% of normal unit pricing.

  • The cost of a POC unit is generally calculated as 50% of its annual value, proportionally adjusted for the duration of the POC within the year e.g. a six month POC would be 25% of normal unit pricing.

  • Contact your YOUnite Systems Integrator or Partner for Professional Service Pricing

Open Source Services

YOUnite ships with several open source services. The customer can purchase supported versions of the following:

YOUnite uses Keycloak as a reference ID Provider, customers typically use their own IDP: