This document describes the concurrency and message grouping implications of data changes sent from adaptors to YOUnite for processing.

About Concurrency and Message Groups

The following details the principles of concurrency and message groups.


The YOUnite Server processes incoming messages from the Message Bus concurrently, with a configurable level of concurrency. Each concurrent process that handles incoming messages is called a Message Consumer.

Concurrency increases the throughput of processing messages, but could lead to messages being processed out of order as each Message Consumer will process messages at a slightly different rate. To ensure data consistency, message groups are employed to ensure that related messages are sent to the same Message Consumer.

Message Groups

Message groups are a way of grouping messages together to ensure they are sent to the same Message Consumer and are processed in the order with which they were added to the queue. In ActiveMQ, message groups are assigned to a message by including a value for the header JMSXGroupID.

By default, the Adaptor SDK groups messages by their unique identifier in YOUnite (henceforth referred to as the DR UUID). This is effective for messages whose DR UUID is known. For new records, a DR UUID has not been assigned yet, and by default the Adaptor SDK will use the hash code of the Local Identifier (ie primary key) of the record. Once the DR UUID is known to the adaptor, it will switch to using that as the message group.

Grouping by DR UUID (or hash code of its Local Identifier) ensures that the same Message Consumer will process all messages, in order, for those records.

High Availability

In a High Availability environment (multiple YOUnite Servers), the same concurrency principles apply. For example, if the concurrency level is set to 5 and there are 3 YOUnite Servers, the total concurrency will be 15, meaning there will be 15 Message Consumers. Messages will be divided up between those 15 consumers.


Message grouping is crucial to ensure that related messages are processed in order! The default message grouping is by the UUID of the data record (DR UUID) or the string representation of it’s unique ID (until a DR UUID is assigned).



The following configuration options are available in the YOUnite Server. These options may either be set by including them in or via environment variables.

Table 1. Configuration Options
Option Description Default Value

Concurrency of the listener for data changes from adaptors. Must be a fixed value.



Concurrency of the listener for operational messages from adaptors including responses to federated GET requests. May be a fixed value or a range.


Concurrency of the listener for messages from adaptors with linkage information. These messages are sent as response to data events so that YOUnite knows what records have been linked at an adaptor. May be a fixed value or a range.



Concurrency of the listener for logging messages from adaptors. May be a fixed value or a range.



Some considerations when setting the concurrency level:

  • Data events are CPU-intensive and short lived; therefore, the optimal concurrency may be close to the number of available CPU cores.

  • On the other hand, a small concurrency level means grouping more and more unrelated records together. This can lead to starvation of one or more Message Consumers as it waits for messages to match its group.

  • By default ActiveMQ distributes messages to up to 1,024 message groups. The hash code of the JMSXGroupID is used to determine which message group to use. Each consumer will be matched to one or more of these message groups. 1,024 groups should be plenty for normal usage (at a concurrency of 10, that would be 102 servers …​). ActiveMQ can be configured to use a different number of message groups if desired.