Follow these steps to get a YOUnite deployment up and running as quickly as possible on your local system. If greater detail about YOUnite is needed, please see the Knowledge Base.


The steps below make reasonable assumptions about the reader’s IT skills.

The YOUnite stack will not run properly with an under-configured system.
  • Request AWS ECR access credentials for YOUnite’s Docker container registry — make requests to image. Store the credentials in a safe place.

  • Install the following making sure that aws, docker, curl, tar and python are all on your command path:

    Tool Minimum Version Download Link



    AWS CLI 2.0

    Docker Desktop


    Docker Desktop. This includes Docker Compose 2.x or later.


    Usually included with all operating systems including Windows / Mac


    Usually included with all operating systems including Windows / Mac



    Python Downloads

  • To run the entire YOUnite Stack of services on a single system, it must meet the following minimums:

    • RAM: 16 GB minimum. 32 GB is recommended, especially if planning on running the YOUnite Biz Demo.

    • Storage: Make sure you have at least 75GB free space (anticipate swapping).

    • CPU: Quad Core i7 or equivalent

    • Available Ports: The following ports must be free on your system:

      Service Port

      YOUnite UI


      YOUnite Server


      YOUnite Notification Service


      YOUnite Data Virtualization Service


      Apache Artemis (message bus)

      61613, 61616, 8161

      PostgreSQL (YOUnite Server, Data Virtualization Service)


      PostgreSQL (Notification Service)


      OpenSearch (open source Elastic)




      OpenSearch Dashboard / (open source Kibana)




  • Docker must also be configured with the following minimums (see Setting Resources on Docker Desktop):

    • CPUs: The recommended value is all available CPUs. Minimum is 4 CPUs.

    • Memory:

      Total System Memory Configure Docker


      8GB or 12GB if planning on running the Biz Demo.

      Note: The Biz Demo will NOT run without a minimum of 12GB.

      32GB or higher

      16GB (recommended if planning on running the Biz Demo).

    • Swap: The recommended value is 25% of total system memory. Minimum is 2GB.

    • Disk Image Size: At least 50GB.

Setting Resources on Docker Desktop

In Docker Desktop, go to Settings (Windows) or Preferences (Mac) and select Resources. Here you can set the CPUs, Memory, and Swap allocated to Docker:

Docker Resources

If your resources setting page looks like this instead (Windows only), you will need to configure memory usage in a settings file:

Docker Resources

Open a Powershell window and run the following command:

wsl --shutdown
notepad "$env:USERPROFILE/.wslconfig"

If the file does not yet exist, create it. Add the following to the file:

memory=12GB  # Memory limit - default is 50% of total memory (80% on builds before 20175)
processors=4 # Processors - default is the total number of processors
swap=4GB     # Swap size - default is 25% of total memory

After updating the file, restart Docker Desktop.

See for more information about configuration options for .wslconfig.

Verifying Docker Resources

Run the following command and look for Total Memory to verify docker has been configured with enough RAM:

docker system info


Before starting the stack, the following configuration must be performed:

  1. Create a new, empty folder for downloaded files to go. This is referred to as the working directory in this document.

  2. Open a shell and navigate to the working directory.

  3. Configure AWS CLI Credentials:

    Get the AWS ECR access credentials from your safe place and run the following:

    If you already have the AWS CLI configured, you can create multiple profiles. See AWS' Quickly configuring the AWS CLI.
    aws configure
    • Use the Access key ID and Secret access key from the provided AWS ECR access credentials

    • Use us-west-2 as the Default region name

    • Any output format is acceptable

  4. Download this Local Stack Quickstart Scripts ( to your working directory and unzip the file.

  5. Make sure docker (or Docker Desktop for Windows / Mac) is started on your local system.

  6. Add the following entry to your hosts file (if you need help see this page on how to edit your host file):

Starting the Stack

If there is a need to remotely access YOUnite services such as the YOUnite UI or Kibana using a web browser then see the notes on configuring YOUnite for remote access.
  1. Go into the scripts folder in your working directory (created when was unzipped).

  2. Run the start script for your operating system - ./ for Mac OS X / Linux or start.cmd for Windows command prompt / powershell (for Unix you may need to set execute permissions on all scripts chmod +x *.sh)

  3. This script will first remove any running containers before bringing up the stack. It will take several minutes to start the YOUnite stack — when the stack is ready you will see the following message:

SUCCESS! The stack is ready to go.

Running the Biz Demo

If running the biz demo (Biz Demo), wait for the stack to start and then run the start-biz-demo script:

OS X, Unix or Linux:




Stopping the Stack

  1. Go into the scripts folder in your working directory (created by unziping

  2. Run the stop script for your operating system - for Mac OS X / Linux or stop.cmd for Windows command prompt / powershell.

  3. This will also stop the biz demo, if running.

Logging in to the User Interface

From your browser, go to the following URL and login as either the admin or dgs (data governance steward). The default password for both is password:
You may need to use Chrome or Firefox and depending on the local network settings you many need to enter Incognito mode.

Advanced Options

There are two alternate options for starting the stack: start-minimal and start-notifications. These options allow starting a stack of reduced size (ie reduced memory consumption) by omitting some services. Both of these alternate options do not include elastic logging and therefore some features, including lineage of data records will be disabled. The minimal option also does not include the notifications service which may lead to degraded results with the user interface and webhook notifications will be disabled.

Manage the YOUnite Stack

Using Docker and Docker Compose

A short-list of useful docker and docker compose commands include:

  • See the names and running state of the containers in the YOUnite Stack:

    docker ps
  • Stop all the containers in the YOUnite Stack (must run this from the directory where docker-compose.yml resides):

    docker compose down -v
  • View the logs in a container. Get the container name (see docker ps above) then, using the younite-db container as an example, issue the following:

    docker logs younite-db
    docker logs --tail 100 younite-db
  • Login to a container. Using the younite-api container as an example:

    docker exec -it younite-api /bin/bash
  • Clean up the docker environment (remove unused images, containers, volumes):

    docker system prune
    docker volume prune

See the Docker and Docker Compose documentation for more.

Where to go Next

 — or — 

If you want to dive right in and create zones, domains and adaptors and start performing federated data operations with test data, see the Biz Demo guide.

Troubleshooting Stack Start Up

The following are some troubleshooting tips for checking that each service in the stack is running:

Troubleshooting Docker

One of the most common causes of failure of the YOUnite stack is lack of memory or disk space. Ensure that the Docker configuration is correct and that the hard drive with docker on it is not out of memory.

It’s not always apparent that this is the case, but things like containers stopping or restarting unexpectedly is one sign. Sometimes a docker container may also give a hint that it cannot allocate memory or disk space.

Checking Available Memory

To see how much memory Docker has available, run the following command and look for the line Total Memory:

docker system info

Freeing up Docker Disk Space

Docker may run out of disk space over time via normal usage. To free up space run the following commands, which will remove orphaned containers and volumes:

docker system prune
docker volume prune

Verify all Docker Containers are Running

docker ps -a

The output should look like this and each service should have of a status of Up x minutes. If any have a status of Exited then there is a problem. Check the logs of the container to see why it exited.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                                                      COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                                                                                                                             NAMES
7f04abeec46a                      "/docker-entrypoint.…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp                                                                                                                                                 younite-ui
e6e816be941a   postgres:12                                                                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5433->5432/tcp                                                                                                                                         younite-notification-service-db
e005f68ac724               "/ run"     4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes   1883/tcp, 5445/tcp, 5672/tcp,>8161/tcp, :::8161->8161/tcp,>61613/tcp, :::61613->61613/tcp, 9404/tcp,>61616/tcp, :::61616->61616/tcp   younite-mb
ee99c91e67f4                    "/bin/sh -c 'exec ja…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp                                                                                                                                         younite-api
e91dc0f59d66   postgres:12                                                                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp                                                                                                                                         younite-db
8ff594114f35   "/bin/sh -c 'exec ja…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8082->8080/tcp                                                                                                                                         younite-notification-service
32acedf65840                 "/usr/local/bin/kiba…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes>5601/tcp, :::5601->5601/tcp                                                                                                                                         younite-kibana
ee9ad58735c4               "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes   5044/tcp,>4560/tcp, :::4560->4560/tcp, 9600/tcp                                                                                                                     younite-logstash
3c0620778383                "/usr/local/bin/cust…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes   9300/tcp, 9600/tcp,>9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp, 9650/tcp                                                                                                           younite-elastic
965c600636f2                       "/opt/jboss/tools/yo…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes   8443/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::8800->8080/tcp                                                                                                                               younite-keycloak

Verify that Services are Healthy

Service Command Expected Result

YOUnite Server

curl http://localhost:8080/health


YOUnite Notification Service

curl http://localhost:8082/actuator/health


YOUnite Data Virtualization Service

curl http://localhost:8084/actuator/health


YOUnite UI

curl http://localhost (or attempt to log in via web browser)

HTML of the web page

Apache Artemis (message bus)

Go to http://localhost:8161/console in your web browser

Username = artemis

Password = artemis

The Current Status page should indicate that the Broker is up and running

PostgreSQL databases

Use psql or your favorite database tool to log in.

Port = 5432 (YOUnite Server), 5433 (Notification Service)

Database = younite (YOUnite Server), notifications (Notification Service)

Username = younite

Password = younite

Database is up and running

Elastic, Logstash, Kibana

log in to Kibana: http://localhost:5601

username = admin

password = password

If Kibana is not working, check elastic:

curl -k https://elastic:admin@localhost:9200/_cluster/health

If events are arriving in elastic, logstash is working

Kibana is working / curl command gives healthy status


Log in to admin console:


Username = admin Password = admin

Admin console is working

Troubleshooting the Biz Demo