The page covers how developers can set priorities on data sources while retrieving federated data for a given data domain version with the Data Virtualization Service.


When accessing Federated data via the Data Virtualization Service, API consumers can specify which adaptor(s) are preferred sources of data. API consumers can do this by specifying which adaptors are:

  1. Gold (highest priority)

  2. Silver (second highest priority)

  3. All other adaptors that the consumer has access to are considered bronze or lowest priority.

How to access federated data can be found on the Accessing Data Records page.

There are two ways to specify gold or silver adaptors:

  1. Per Zone: Default gold/silver adaptors can be set at the zone level so that all requests for federated data that originate from a given zone can use the defaults.

  2. Per Request: Individual requests for federated data can override any defaults that might be set.

Note: Data governance always overrides any gold or silver adaptor settings e.g. if ZoneA’s Data Governance ACLs restrict  ZoneB from accessing ZoneA’s ERP adaptor, then ZoneB cannot access ZoneA’s ERP even if the ZoneB API consumer specified ZoneA’s ERP as a gold or silver adaptor.

Setting a Zone’s Default Gold and/or Silver Adaptors

Set an adaptor as GOLD for a domain version

POST /zones/<zone-uuid>/settings/domain-version-adaptor-preferences
    "domainVersionUuid": "<domain-version-uuid>",
    "adaptorUuid": "<adaptor-uuid>",
    "preferenceType": "GOLD"

Set an adaptor as SILVER for a domain version

POST /zones/<zone-uuid>/settings/domain-version-adaptor-preferences
    "domainVersionUuid": "<domain-version-uuid>",
    "adaptorUuid": "<second-adaptor-uuid>",
    "preferenceType": "SILVER"

GET a Zone’s Gold and/or Silver Preferences

GET /zones/<zone-uuid>/settings/domain-version-adaptor-preferences
    "zoneDomainVersionAdaptorPreferences": [
            "uuid": "21143920-a120-4a7d-a64b-d3891e95438d",
            "zoneUuid": "3ebbcd2e-09f8-4c94-9130-74d8ee6525c6",
            "domainVersionUuid": "8d1b5de4-9a48-4a00-92e1-d01ace5fe2cc",
            "adaptorUuid": "0d91ab16-0eee-4b5e-8882-73309486e803",
            "preferenceType": "GOLD"
            "uuid": "58d3db11-07e8-49a1-9f41-229b33405450",
            "zoneUuid": "3ebbcd2e-09f8-4c94-9130-74d8ee6525c6",
            "domainVersionUuid": "8d1b5de4-9a48-4a00-92e1-d01ace5fe2cc",
            "adaptorUuid": "1e4bb672-1900-41a1-b41a-3977017f889c",
            "preferenceType": "SILVER"

Delete an entry from a zone’s Gold/Silver list

An entry can be deleted by its uuid, retrieved using the GET request above, ie:

DELETE /zones/<zone-uuid>/settings/domain-version-adaptor-preferences/<uuid>

Update an entry in the zone’s Gold/Silver list

An entry can be updated by its uuid, retrieved using the GET request above. This is useful is changing an entry from GOLD to SILVER, or vice-versa:

PUT /zones/<zone-uuid>/settings/domain-version-adaptor-preferences/<uuid>
    "domainVersionUuid": "<domain-version-uuid>",
    "adaptorUuid": "<second-adaptor-uuid>",
    "preferenceType": "SILVER"

Setting a Request’s Gold, Silver and/or Bronze Adaptors

Gold, silver and/or bronze adaptors preferences can be specified in individual federated data record requests. Values in the request will override the defaults set for the zone. This is detailed in theGold/Silver/Bronze Adaptors section of Accessing Data Records.