This document describes deploying and using data virtualization using the YOUnite JDBC connector and GraphQL API intereface.


  • Complete the Biz Demo beforehand.

  • DBeaver is referenced in this guide, however, other database UIs can be used. Download DBeaver here.

  • Postman is required for the GraphQL section. Download Postman here.

JDBC Data Access

Configure the YOUnite JDBC Driver

  1. Download the latest YOUnite Driver here and note where it is stored.

  2. Using DBeaver, select Driver Manager from the Database pulldown:

    Select Database > Driver Manager
  3. Select New and in the Settings tab, enter YOUnite as the Driver Name:

    Select New
    Enter YOUnite as Driver Name
  4. Select the Libraries tab:

    Select Libraries Tab
    • Select Add File and select the path to the downloaded YOUnite JDBC Driver:

      Add File
    • Select Ok

Make the JDBC Connection

  1. Select New Database Connection from the Database pulldown:

    New Databse Connection
  2. Search or find the “YOUnite” database:

    Connect to a database
  3. To authenticate the connection:

    • Login to the YOUnite UI as dgs.

    • Once logged in, select the user icon in the upper right-hand corner and select Access Token:

      Select Access Token
    • Copy the provided Access Token to the clipboard.

    • In DBeaver select the Main tab and paste the Access Token into the “Password” field. Do not enter a username.

      Connect to a database
  4. Next select Connection Details.

  5. Enter “YOUnite” in the Connection Name field:

    Connection name
    • The Connection Name may also be found under General within the New Connection configuration.

  6. Select Test Connection. If successful, a Connected pop-up will appear:

    Connection Test
  7. Select Finish

Accessing the Data Tier With the JDBC Driver

  1. In DBeaver, open up the YOUnite connection.

  2. From there select YOUnite > younite > data > Tables:

    YOUnite Dropdown
  3. You can now visualize the data.

    • For example, this is the biz demo data:

      Sample Data Vizualize

      Note that data governance is applied to all data access requests and that all data access requests are logged.


Postman Setup

  1. Download and Install Postman (creating an account is not necessary). Download Postman here.

  2. Download the YOUnite GraphQL Collection file from the "Other" section of the YOUnite Downloads page.

  3. Open Postman and select Import from the top left. On Windows, the Import button can be found in the File dropdown in the upper left.

    Select Import
  4. A window will appear where files can be uploaded. Select the previously downloaded YOUnite collections file and select Upload.

  5. Next select the eye icon on the top right of Postman. Select the Add button for a new environment.

    Add Environment
  6. When creating the new environment, enter the name as “YOUnite Environment” and hit Enter.

    Name Environment
  7. Next select the dropdown arrow to the left of the eye icon and select the YOUnite Environment.

  8. Under the “GraphQL - YOUnite Biz Demo”, expand the contents using the arrow to the left.

  9. Select “Get dgs token” and select Send on the far right. An access token should be returned in the console below.

Accessing the Data Tier with GraphQL

Click Send
  1. Similar to “Get dgs token”, select Send for each of the remaining requests.

  2. You can retrieve YOUnite metadata and the data tier with GraphQL:

    • The "POST Get Domains [simple]" request is an example of getting YOUnite metadata. This example is getting a list of all data domains.

    • The "POST Get Drs[employee]" and "POST Get Drs[employee] w/Query" requests are examples of accessing data across your entire data tier. The second example implements a query for specific data records.

Note that data governance is applied to all data access requests and that all data access requests are logged.